Drop et touche alt

Bashiok nous explique le nouveau fonctionnement de la touche Alt pour afficher les items au sol.

« The way it works now is that when an item drops the name shows for about 5 seconds and then they fade out and disappear. Pressing Alt shows all dropped item names for again about 5 seconds and then the names fade out and disappear.

I actually didn't like it at first, I liked the on/off state of pressing or not pressing Alt, but with the names showing immediately after drop and having a sort of "grace period" after just tapping Alt, it's really grown on me and is a lot more intuitive. It's a lot easier to see what just dropped quickly and decide if you care, and it isn't necessary to constantly hold down Alt while scavenging after a large fight.

I still want to see -nopickup return but I haven't really asked anyone what the possibility of that is. I don't think it would work well with the current system, so options may have to be a possibility.

Maintenant quand un objet tombe au sol, son nom s'affiche pendant 5 secondes, puis disparaît petit à petit.
Une pression sur la touche Alt relance ce timer de 5 secondes pour tous les objets au sol, ce qui change du système de Diablo 2 où il fallait maintenir la touche enfoncée pour voir les noms des objets.

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